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ios app reviews

Photosynth- create 3D images with your iPhone camera

Read: 7,618 Microsoft just released an iPhone app for its already amazing technology- Photosynth! It’s really cool and fun to create 3D panoramas using Photosynth iPhone app. Photosynth app allows you to take a series of images and create a 3D panoramic view, exactly like the images we see in Google 3D maps! I feel that Microsoft has done a… Read More »Photosynth- create 3D images with your iPhone camera

iPhone audio and video scrubbing- adjust the forwarding speed in four different speeds for audio and video

Read: 14,133 I just noticed a cool feature in iPhone while listening to a music video. I’m sure that all of you know how to navigate to a point in the track (audio or video) in iPhone by sliding the bar (at the top). Did you notice a tiny text while you slide the bar that says, “Slide your finger… Read More »iPhone audio and video scrubbing- adjust the forwarding speed in four different speeds for audio and video

Latest update for Facebook app adds new features and fixes major bugs

Read: 6,758 Facebook just released an update (V3.4) for it’s iPhone, iPad and other iDevices app. The update can be downloaded from the iTune/ AppStore for free as usua or click here. According to Facebook, this update fixes lots of bugs and adds the few new features such as Map View for places, improved news feed, etc. With this update,… Read More »Latest update for Facebook app adds new features and fixes major bugs

The Onion- America’s Finest News Source come to iPhone and iPad!

Read: 7,402 Don’t you think you love reading fake news sometimes, it’s so fun and really good times pass, out of our hectic working day! After all, we don’t always want to read the stories of boring politicians and heir stupidity! Many of you may have heard of -America’s Finest News Source, that’s what the website claims. The Onion… Read More »The Onion- America’s Finest News Source come to iPhone and iPad!

MailShot- Now sending emails from iPhone or iPad is easier and faster

Read: 11,128 MailShot is a productivity app released by Soluble Apps  few weeks ago, to enhance the capabilities of emails on an iPhone and iPad, letting users to send emails to a large group of people without having to enter each one’s email addresses separately.  It allows iPhone and iPad users to email groups of up to 50 people from… Read More »MailShot- Now sending emails from iPhone or iPad is easier and faster send texts and images to and from anyone with or without an iPhone

Read: 7,454 Its another instant messaging app for iPhone. But there is something very special about that it allows you to send and receive messages to anyone even if they don’t have an iPhone. All it needs is a browser and an Internet connection, the messages are sent via Internet like any other IM apps and is delivered… Read More » send texts and images to and from anyone with or without an iPhone

IMO instant messenger application for iPhone, iPad and iPod

Read: 9,736 Instant Messaging apps have become part and parcel of our daily life. Social networking sites and applications are a streamlined solution for keeping in touch with our friends and loved ones. I’ve used numerous IM applications on my iPhone, stands out from all of those. is a web based IM service like eBuddy where you can… Read More »IMO instant messenger application for iPhone, iPad and iPod

Viber- Make calls for free from your iPhone

Read: 7,696 Viber– one of the pretty cool VoIP calling apps for iPhone. Viber lets you make free calls to other phones with Viber installed. Currently Viber supports only iPhone, though Android and BlackBerry versions are on its way soon. Features: It works with both 3G and WIFI, so you don’t have to worry looking out for only WIFI spots,… Read More »Viber- Make calls for free from your iPhone

Momento – one of the best diary applications for iPhone

Read: 7,484 Here is a wonderful diary application for your iPhone- Momento! I used this for a long time and loving it. Momento is a very clean diary application witha beautiful interface. It lets users to write their moments ‘on the go’, with powerful tagging features. The following are some of the features of Momento: Beautiful interface Tag your friends… Read More »Momento – one of the best diary applications for iPhone