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iPhone Tips

Moving the iPhone / iPad Backup Location from C Drive to a New Location on Windows

Read: 19,720 Sometimes, you may want to move the iTunes backup location for all your iOS devices from it’s default location to an external hard drive or another partition on your Computer. This article shows you how it can be done on a Windows Computer. Default iOS Backup Location The default location for your backup whenever you backup your iOS… Read More »Moving the iPhone / iPad Backup Location from C Drive to a New Location on Windows

Downloading Language Specific Dictionaries on iOS 7

Read: 9,976 You may have noticed that Dictionary in iOS 7 has been completely changed. Unlike in the previous versions of iOS, now when you tap on a word and tap “Define”, sometimes you may not see any result for the word at all. This is because, in iOS 7, you have an option to download language specific dictionaries. The… Read More »Downloading Language Specific Dictionaries on iOS 7

WiseID – Protect your Personal Data and Passwords on iOS

Read: 7,527 Our dependency on smartphones are growing day by day. Some of you may even be using your smartphones to access your bank accounts, PayPal, etc. Most of the apps that we download these days require us to create a username and password. Some of you may create strong passwords with a combination of caps and small caps letters,… Read More »WiseID – Protect your Personal Data and Passwords on iOS

How to Update Your Phone Number Used and Displayed by iMessage and FaceTime

Read: 7,593 If you are using an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad and had to change your number, you may have noticed that your device is still showing the old number whenever you iMessage or FaceTime someone. You can update this by following the simple steps below. Updating the Phone Number Displayed in iMessage To update the phone number used… Read More »How to Update Your Phone Number Used and Displayed by iMessage and FaceTime

How to Copy Texts, Share on Facebook, Twitter or Email from iBooks in iOS 6 from iBook 3.0

Read: 8,591 For some weird (or may be legitimate) reasons, Apple has made copying texts from iBook difficult. It’s been many days since I started trying to copy some texts from the books that I read, so that I can share with my friends on my Facebook or Twitter, but it was difficult. Just found a way to do this!… Read More »How to Copy Texts, Share on Facebook, Twitter or Email from iBooks in iOS 6 from iBook 3.0

All You Need to Know About iOS 6 Mail App Improvements – VIP Inbox, Flagged Messages, Attaching Photos and Videos and More.

Read: 16,195 Apple recently released iOS 6, one of the best mobile operating systems, introducing 200 over new features and improvements to existing features.  If you have not installed iOS 6 for your device yet, here is how you can easily download and install iOS 6 right from your device. With iOS 6, Apple has given lots of improvements to the native… Read More »All You Need to Know About iOS 6 Mail App Improvements – VIP Inbox, Flagged Messages, Attaching Photos and Videos and More.

iOS 6 – All You Need To Know About How To Update Your iOS Device to iOS 6

Read: 8,994 Apple has officially released iOS 6, one of the most advanced mobile operating systems to it’s users for free. With the release of iOS 5 last year, Apple has made updating iOS to newer versions much easier than last time. You can update to iOS 6 right from  your iOS device – iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. This article… Read More »iOS 6 – All You Need To Know About How To Update Your iOS Device to iOS 6

How to Clear Emails Stuck in Outbox on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

Read: 29,150 Sometimes when you send emails to someone, it may get stuck in the Outbox folder in your in the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. This happens for various reasons, for example, if your network connection drops while Mail app tries to send the email, it gets stuck in Outbox and it keeps trying to send it out. The… Read More »How to Clear Emails Stuck in Outbox on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

ConnectBiz POS – An Advanced Point of Sale System for your iPad

Read: 8,634 ConnectBiz is a simple and intuitive Point of Sales (POS) app for iPad from InspireSmart Solutions. ConnectBiz, ideal for for retail shops, kiosks, salons, mobile sales people, etc. has a an interface that is customized to be simple and sophisticated, making it one of the advanced POS system for the iOS. The app allows you to create customer… Read More »ConnectBiz POS – An Advanced Point of Sale System for your iPad

MyPad for Facebook- Free iPhone App gives you a perfect Facebook experience on iPhone

Read: 17,498 One of the very popular third-party Facebook app -MyPad- for the iPad is now available for the iPhone and iPod Touch. MyPad has been downloaded over 12 million on iPads and is known for its beautiful design than the native Facebook iPhone app. MyPad for iPhone allows you to connect to Facebook and view multiple profiles, albums, videos,… Read More »MyPad for Facebook- Free iPhone App gives you a perfect Facebook experience on iPhone