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iPhone App Review

WiseID – Protect your Personal Data and Passwords on iOS

Read: 7,527 Our dependency on smartphones are growing day by day. Some of you may even be using your smartphones to access your bank accounts, PayPal, etc. Most of the apps that we download these days require us to create a username and password. Some of you may create strong passwords with a combination of caps and small caps letters,… Read More »WiseID – Protect your Personal Data and Passwords on iOS

ConnectBiz POS – An Advanced Point of Sale System for your iPad

Read: 8,634 ConnectBiz is a simple and intuitive Point of Sales (POS) app for iPad from InspireSmart Solutions. ConnectBiz, ideal for for retail shops, kiosks, salons, mobile sales people, etc. has a an interface that is customized to be simple and sophisticated, making it one of the advanced POS system for the iOS. The app allows you to create customer… Read More »ConnectBiz POS – An Advanced Point of Sale System for your iPad

MyPad for Facebook- Free iPhone App gives you a perfect Facebook experience on iPhone

Read: 17,498 One of the very popular third-party Facebook app -MyPad- for the iPad is now available for the iPhone and iPod Touch. MyPad has been downloaded over 12 million on iPads and is known for its beautiful design than the native Facebook iPhone app. MyPad for iPhone allows you to connect to Facebook and view multiple profiles, albums, videos,… Read More »MyPad for Facebook- Free iPhone App gives you a perfect Facebook experience on iPhone

Maven Web Browser: Dual Screen Browser for iPad

Read: 9,548 There are number of web browsers for iPhones and iPads these days. I recently came across one really good web browser for iPhone and iPad – Maven Web Browser+. This browser is somewhat unique in its design and features and works really good. Maven browser supports various features such as dual screen support on iPad, unlimited tabs, download… Read More »Maven Web Browser: Dual Screen Browser for iPad

Google Currents – Create Your Personalized Online Magazine Store, the Flipboard like News Aggregator

Read: 9,721 Google released a new mobile application called Google Currents few days back. Google Currents, a free mobile application, is an attempt by Google to offer beautiful contents in an easily accessible way. If you have ever used Flipboard on iPad or iPhone, Google Currents is basically a take on it by Google to provide great contents for great… Read More »Google Currents – Create Your Personalized Online Magazine Store, the Flipboard like News Aggregator

Facebook Messenger: New iPhone app Lets You Carry Your Facebook Conversations to Wherever You Go

Read: 11,442 Facebook Messenger is a stand alone messenger application for iPhone and Android phones from Facebook, Inc. Unlike many other mobile to mobile messaging applications, Facebook Messenger is tightly integrated with your Facebook Messages and Chats, storing all the messages send and receive through your mobile phone in your Facebook account. It’s an app that lets you send messages… Read More »Facebook Messenger: New iPhone app Lets You Carry Your Facebook Conversations to Wherever You Go

360 Web Browser brings Firefox Sync, File Downloads and Built-in Media Player to your iPhone

Read: 7,942 Ever wished if the Safari browser on your iPhone or iPad could let you’ve more tabs or sync with your Firefox bookmarks or download files from Internet? That’s what 360 Web Browser brings to you. 360 Web Browser is an iPhone browser and an iPad browser app developed by Digital Poke who also developed Emoji App for iDevices.… Read More »360 Web Browser brings Firefox Sync, File Downloads and Built-in Media Player to your iPhone

Yoono- Get all your social networks in a single place and manage it easily

Read: 7,430 Yoono is an interesting app that brings most of the popular social network sites into a simple, easy to use iPhone apps. Yoono also has a Desktop app and a browser plugin for Firefox and a Beta version for Google Chrome. What’s so good about Yoono? Let’s look at some of it’s features; Features of Yoono iPhone apps:… Read More »Yoono- Get all your social networks in a single place and manage it easily

Photosynth- create 3D images with your iPhone camera

Read: 7,512 Microsoft just released an iPhone app for its already amazing technology- Photosynth! It’s really cool and fun to create 3D panoramas using Photosynth iPhone app. Photosynth app allows you to take a series of images and create a 3D panoramic view, exactly like the images we see in Google 3D maps! I feel that Microsoft has done a… Read More »Photosynth- create 3D images with your iPhone camera

Latest update for Facebook app adds new features and fixes major bugs

Read: 6,657 Facebook just released an update (V3.4) for it’s iPhone, iPad and other iDevices app. The update can be downloaded from the iTune/ AppStore for free as usua or click here. According to Facebook, this update fixes lots of bugs and adds the few new features such as Map View for places, improved news feed, etc. With this update,… Read More »Latest update for Facebook app adds new features and fixes major bugs