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Creating Outlines in Microsoft Excel and Grouping Data for Easy Analysis

creating outline in microsoft excel

Read: 8,743 Sometimes you may have to work with very large list of data in Excel Spreadsheets. Browsing through the entire list to look for important data can be tedious. One way to deal with this kind of situation is by grouping and summarizing the entire data. Outline feature in Excel helps you to group data, making it easier to… Read More »Creating Outlines in Microsoft Excel and Grouping Data for Easy Analysis

How to Fix Outlook Resize Window Problem when “Restore Down”: Outlook cannot be Maximized When “Restore Down”

outlook window not opening

Read: 22,580 You may have come across instants when you “Restore down” Microsoft Outlook, you simply cannot restore the window back. All you can do is to restart the Outlook. This is annoying. Problem: If you try to resize the Outlook window from full screen by clicking the “Restore Down” button, Outlook just minimizes to the task bar. When you… Read More »How to Fix Outlook Resize Window Problem when “Restore Down”: Outlook cannot be Maximized When “Restore Down”

Screen Capture Tool for Google Chrome: Capture Almost Everything Appears in Google Chrome

google chrome add ons

Read: 8,461 If you love using Google Chrome like I do, you will like the Screen Capture tool developed by Google. There are times when we need to capture / screenshot a visible portion of a web page, or may be the entire web page itself. If you use the Print Screen feature on your computer, you will not be… Read More »Screen Capture Tool for Google Chrome: Capture Almost Everything Appears in Google Chrome

How to Use Names in Excel Formula and Make it Easier to Understand

using names in ms excel

Read: 14,587 Usually we use cell numbers in formulas whenever we work on an Excel spreadsheet. Remembering each cell number and what it contains can be really hard. However, there is an easy way – you can use names in formulas instead of cell numbers. For example: imagine that cell C10 contains Price and cell D10 contains Quantity and you… Read More »How to Use Names in Excel Formula and Make it Easier to Understand

WiseID – Protect your Personal Data and Passwords on iOS

Read: 7,563 Our dependency on smartphones are growing day by day. Some of you may even be using your smartphones to access your bank accounts, PayPal, etc. Most of the apps that we download these days require us to create a username and password. Some of you may create strong passwords with a combination of caps and small caps letters,… Read More »WiseID – Protect your Personal Data and Passwords on iOS

How to Create Scenarios in MS Excel to Make Predictions and Forecasts

creating scenario in ms excel

Read: 12,542 There may be times when we need to experiment with several different values in an Excel Spreadsheet to make predictions and forecasts. For example, you are selling various products. Assume that you have a profit target to meet and you want to see how much profit you will make if you sell x number of each product. You… Read More »How to Create Scenarios in MS Excel to Make Predictions and Forecasts

How to Update Your Phone Number Used and Displayed by iMessage and FaceTime

Read: 7,623 If you are using an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad and had to change your number, you may have noticed that your device is still showing the old number whenever you iMessage or FaceTime someone. You can update this by following the simple steps below. Updating the Phone Number Displayed in iMessage To update the phone number used… Read More »How to Update Your Phone Number Used and Displayed by iMessage and FaceTime

Browse Internet Anonymously and Protect Your Online Privacy: Use Tor Browser

Read: 10,999 Protecting our privacy online is one of the hardest task to achieve in today’s widely inter-connected world. All the browsers, like Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc., we use today are way advanced and keep track of your browsing history, for various purposes. Some websites track your online activity to serve better, targeted ads, or suggest news… Read More »Browse Internet Anonymously and Protect Your Online Privacy: Use Tor Browser

How to Switch Data From Columns to Rows or Rows to Column in Excel Quickly by Using Transpose Data

transposing data in ms excel

Read: 10,071 In my previous post, we looked at how to create conditional formatting in order to highlight or make some cells standout from other cells based on it’s values. Today, I am going to show you how to re-arrange data in Excel from columns to rows and rows to columns easily by using transpose data feature. What Does Transposing… Read More »How to Switch Data From Columns to Rows or Rows to Column in Excel Quickly by Using Transpose Data

Conditional Formatting in Excel 2010: Analyze and understand the Data at a Glance

Read: 10,273 Microsoft Excel is one of the very advanced spreadsheet applications that lets you easily create and manage complex spreadsheets. Imagine having a spreadsheet with large amount of data. Making some sense out of this data is a big task by itself. Scanning through rows and columns to read and interpret the data can be really difficult. For example,… Read More »Conditional Formatting in Excel 2010: Analyze and understand the Data at a Glance