It can be very irritating when you keep getting an error message saying that your profile storage space has been exceeded. The Profiloe Storage Space Exceeded error appears in Windows XP and it will pop up very frequently. If you encounter this error message, it will not let you log off or restart the computer, unless you unplug it. Let’s see how to fix the profile storage space exceeded error.
To troubleshoot this error, you need to edit Windows Registry settings.
Please note that Windows Registry is one of the core database that store configurations and settings in Windows. Please be extra careful when you make changes to Windows Registry. I highly recommend that you backup the registry before making changes to it. To do that, click on Start >> Run >> “regedit”.
Step 1: Select HKEY_LOCAL_USER
Step 2: Click File >> Export
Step 3: Give a name and store it on Desktop
If you don’t like to meddle with Registry settings, do the following;
Step 1: Open Notepad (Click Start >> Programs >> Accessories >> Notepad)
Step 2: Copy the following texts -highlighted- and past in Notepad.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Step 3: Save the file as “Profile Error Fix.reg” on Desktop as shown.
Step 4: Double click on the “Profile Error Fix.reg” file and click OK when prompted.
Step 5: Click OK again. You are done.
Manually correcting the error
Step 1: Go to Start >> Run >> Type “regedit.exe”
Step 2: Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
Step 3: Delete the values against the following entries:
Step 4: Close Registry Editor. You are done.
Do you know any other way to troubleshoot this error? Please share it in the comments area.
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