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Latest update for Facebook app adds new features and fixes major bugs

Read: 6,766 Facebook just released an update (V3.4) for it’s iPhone, iPad and other iDevices app. The update can be downloaded from the iTune/ AppStore for free as usua or click here. According to Facebook, this update fixes lots of bugs and adds the few new features such as Map View for places, improved news feed, etc. With this update,… Read More »Latest update for Facebook app adds new features and fixes major bugs

The Onion- America’s Finest News Source come to iPhone and iPad!

Read: 7,403 Don’t you think you love reading fake news sometimes, it’s so fun and really good times pass, out of our hectic working day! After all, we don’t always want to read the stories of boring politicians and heir stupidity! Many of you may have heard of -America’s Finest News Source, that’s what the website claims. The Onion… Read More »The Onion- America’s Finest News Source come to iPhone and iPad!

MailShot- Now sending emails from iPhone or iPad is easier and faster

Read: 11,128 MailShot is a productivity app released by Soluble Apps  few weeks ago, to enhance the capabilities of emails on an iPhone and iPad, letting users to send emails to a large group of people without having to enter each one’s email addresses separately.  It allows iPhone and iPad users to email groups of up to 50 people from… Read More »MailShot- Now sending emails from iPhone or iPad is easier and faster

OffiSync- Connect Microsoft Office with your Google Docs

Read: 7,793 Are you a Google Docs user and wondered how to make a mash-up of Microsoft Office and Google Docs, making use of the brilliant Office tools for document creation and editing and Google’s cloud storage and collaboration tools? That is exactly what OffiSync can do! You can use Microsoft Office tools to create documents, such as Word, Excel,… Read More »OffiSync- Connect Microsoft Office with your Google Docs

Someone Hack into Your Facebook or Email? How Secure is Your Password?

Read: 6,075 Computers and digital devices have become an unavoidable part of our life. We use passwords for every other thing that we do, for our emails, Internet Banking, ATM cards, Phones and the list can go on and on… How many times we reuse the same passwords for all of the various accounts we have? Most of us forget… Read More »Someone Hack into Your Facebook or Email? How Secure is Your Password?

How to set up Gmail on your iPhone

Read: 128,840 Recently one of my friends asked me how to access Gmail from his iPhone. The following article explains how you can access Gmail from your iPhone, easily and more conveniently than from Safari. Step 1: Login to your Gmail account and ensure you have enabled IMAP feature. To do that, click on Settings then Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab… Read More »How to set up Gmail on your iPhone

iOS 4.3 review

Read: 9,030 Apple released the iOS 4.3 to its customers via iTunes on 09 March 2011, two days ahead of the earlier planned release date. iOS 4.3 is one of the major release of iOS and major changes are for the iPad and iPad 2. Though, this version supports all iDevices- iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPod Touch. If Apple… Read More »iOS 4.3 review

Getting Mailbox size of users in Microsoft Exchange 2010 PowerShell

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Read: 25,070 The following article explains how we can get mail box size of particular user or all users from Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 using PowerShell commands. In previous versions of Exchange, we could view the mail box size from the Exchange console. Microsoft has added a new, powerful command line shell called PowerShell which was developed for System administrators… Read More »Getting Mailbox size of users in Microsoft Exchange 2010 PowerShell send texts and images to and from anyone with or without an iPhone

Read: 7,454 Its another instant messaging app for iPhone. But there is something very special about that it allows you to send and receive messages to anyone even if they don’t have an iPhone. All it needs is a browser and an Internet connection, the messages are sent via Internet like any other IM apps and is delivered… Read More » send texts and images to and from anyone with or without an iPhone