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Beware of a Facebook scam pretending to connect you with Facebook video calling

Read: 7,902 NakedSecurity reported a new Facebook scam pretending users to connect with Facebook’s new video calling feature. As you all may have read in news, Facebook has teamed up with Skype to bring you a new feature in Facebook chat, Video Calling, which allows you to make live face to face chat with your Facebook friends. According to NakedSecurity,… Read More »Beware of a Facebook scam pretending to connect you with Facebook video calling

Beware of scammers promising Osama Bin Laden’s death videos and photos

Read: 7,606 Facebook and emails are being flooded with scams claiming to show you death videos and photos of Osama Bin Laden since his death. FBI is warning people to be ware of these sort of emails and Facebook posts because they contain viruses that can seriously damage your computer. Once your computer is affected with this virus, it starts… Read More »Beware of scammers promising Osama Bin Laden’s death videos and photos